Herb, the royal ancient ancestrial Alien's Site


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Belong to the MARS LOWRIDERS
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Belong to the MARS LOWRIDERS


The first Alien Religious Society


First Alien Form

Low Riders, the first Alien Religion began 200 million years ago. It was started by Morterars, Martians and Aliens that believed in something more powerful than what they saw with their own eyes. They believe in the Sun God, Feirina, and in the child-god from Pluto, Horbo. They believed in the gods, and their needs. That's when sacrifices, and purple blood was shed.

The Morterars, the head of the Martian Religion begain to get vollunteers, to sacrifice themselves to the Gods of the Planets. Sacrifices were done in different ways some being painful, others less. One was the following:
Take the martian up onto the highest crator, and cut its head off. The head, now severed, would be burned, signifying that that Martian had now given it's thoughts and soel to the gods, therefore making the Planetary gods Happy.
Like many religions, there are punishments, however. If a martians was proven to being unhonouring and uncaring of Low Riders, the punishments was as follows:
Slowly tearing the martian's body ligaments and feelers off, signifying that every ligament being torn off was tearing off a bad thought, and deed done by that martian. Finally, when the body was totally torn, the bad deeds were gone, therfore signifying that the martian is pure once more.

Though after many years Low Riders has become more modern, it still is very the same in many ways. We still worship the planetary gods, and we still sacrifice. (Though not always Martians). Low Riders consists of the very best, of the best, and the most believing of believing.

Do you think you would fit in this very believing society?
If so, please e-mail me at: herbaine@hotmail.com
Then, you can come and be part of this wonderful society.

For those who are a part of Low Riders:
A chat, and Club will be coming shortly.